Welcome to the website of Jennifer Kuhns, award winning author, painter and poet.
Jennifer lives in Northern California. She understands and has lived through the misconceptions attached to being physically disabled. She has conducted extensive research on the topic of folklore and literature for children, and has come to the realization that children's folklore in the form of literature is an important tool for a variety of reasons. It is her opinion, beginning with folklore, that children's literature opens up an entertaining portal for children to be taught about and to examine life, through the transcendent power of literature. She believes because children have such levels of imagination and acceptance, literature has the potential to change perspectives and create new views. Her passion resides in literature and education without prejudice for children, as well as helping children understand that being different isn't a bad thing. Jennifer continues to strive toward the idea of inclusion and acceptance in her writing.
![]() Being born ten weeks early literally put a hitch in her get-along. Weighing in at only three pounds twelve ounces, then being diagnosed as a spastic quadriplegic, who knew Jennifer could live in an able bodied world as, what she calls differently-abled, with any kind of success. Here she shares the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of doing exactly that, making a place for herself in the world of non-believers and nay-sayers, with the help and support from family and friends.
Jennifer Kuhns' Little Diva On Wheels gives us insight into the life journey of a "handicapped" child and her family. Funny and engaging, Jennifer gives us a peak into and forgives us our bumbling, awkward, and occasional rude behavior towards people different than ourselves. The Articles, Reviews, and Reflections section challenges us to reflect on the treatment of disabled people through the ages. - Karen Holcomb, RNC |
![]() Jennifer Kuhns describes her world as a quadriplegic, and her determination to do anything she chooses to do, in spite of her physical limitations. Among other accomplishments, Jennifer has a Masters degree and has published 9 books which she has written. This book is a continuation of her autobiography begun in her book, LITTLE DIVA ON WHEELS.
Even Broken-Winged Divas Can fly is a humorous account of growing up, overcoming obstacles and taking on the world with style. With family and friends by her side; it's not just about enduring trials but enduring them well. This book offers a great alternative perspective for health care providers and those who work with individuals with disabilities. The close bonds and friendships that develop between care providers and those they care for, is honest and refreshing. - Brianne Montgomery, Emergency Department Technician. Also available as an e-book: https://www.amazon.com/Even-Broken-Winged-Divas-Can-Fly/dp/1734079541/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SJ1PFUY6OG6L&dchild=1&keywords=even+broken-winged+divas+can+fly&qid=1587757783&sprefix=even+brokern%2Caps%2C204&sr=8-1 |
![]() Every child wants to assimilate with characters in books. Those with medical conditions such as Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) have none. Miles To The Moon fills that need. Review: I really like the fact that this book can help a child with POTS feel that they are not alone in this world with this disease. A very positive approach. The information on the disease was concise and well explained from a personal experience perspective. Overall a very interesting and easy to read book, coupled with some fun adventure and positive thinking for a future cure of POTS. - Judith Keswick, RN, PHN, MSN, Associate Professor Retired ![]() A read-aloud book for the young listener.
(preschool to first grade) This is a wonderful book for young readers, and well worth buying. It is flat gorgeous! Major Mitchell, Publisher at Shalako Press Also find it as an e-book here: http://www.amazon.com/Haileys-Dream-ebook/dp/B00CDZTQGO/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1366828033&sr=1-1&keywords=Hailey%27s+Dream OR http://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=Hailey%27s+Dream |
![]() A collection of seven stories and five
poems for children visiting the topics of respect, manners, acceptance, sharing, bullying, dedication, trust and family to name a few. With any luck, these stories and poems will bring about an awareness of life lessons. ![]() A book that explains disabilities. (fourth to fifth grade reading level or read-aloud book)
A great teacher/parent go to book. Contains story, children's play, and puppet cutouts. Finally here as an e-book in Spanish!!! Get it at: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/jenniferkuhns or http://www.amazon.com/Naciste-esa-silla-Spanish-ebook/dp/B00EDSJTUM/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376014559&sr=1-3&keywords=jennifer+kuhns |
![]() Jennifer's nine-year-old niece has joined her Aunt Jenni in her belief in "inclusion," bringing to Jennifer's attention that she had not yet written a book about a disability with a holiday theme. Thus, the collaborative effort between the two came to be in the writing and illustrating of Lilly Gets Lucky. ![]() This book moves the reader beyond disabilities to learning about life, history, and how it can be changed.
Amazon review: Every school and library NEEDS to have this book on its shelves. A discovery of old letters leads to something so much more...The [children's] curiosity about what certain words in the letters meant, led them to an African American grandmother who in her own unique way, educated the children... Acceptance and understanding will bring people together. People can change and understand one another if only given the chance. Brilliant, witty, funny and educational. I highly recommend this book for 4th grade and up. |